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Mental Health

Your gift can activate mental health programs.

Supporting a student’s physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, financial, and social health while in school carries them well beyond graduation. Similarly, positive mental health leads to improved classroom performance, better physical health, and stronger community connections. The University of Pittsburgh is committed to ensuring all students have access to mental health support. The Campus Recreation and Wellness Center will help deliver services that lay the foundation for good mental well-being.

Counseling Services

The rate of mental health challenges among college students, including anxiety and depression, has steadily increased over the past decade. Today the University Counseling Center has nearly 50 staff clinicians and graduate-level trainees available to counsel students. The Wellness Suite allows Pitt to offer this support in a familiar and welcoming setting, which will enable access and reduce barriers to seeking help.

Access to mental health services on campus is both important and comforting. The counseling I receive enables me to deal with college stresses and builds my mental health toolbox for the future. I encourage other students to take advantage of these services.” -Paige N. (A&S '24)

Stress-Free Zone

University life can be an endless series of deadlines, social interactions, and stimuli from the outside world. Finding a moment of quiet can be tough. The Stress-Free Zone in the Center will provide a space for students to decompress, reflect, and engage in personalized and group mindfulness activities.

Yoga and Meditation

Physical activity and mental health meet in the practice of yoga, meditation, and other similar endeavors. The Center will offer a range of sessions for individuals and groups in these disciplines. Whether the student has been engaging in such activities for years or is just introduced to them, the Center will offer well-being sessions tailored to an individual’s needs.

Yoga is the connection between mind and body—a time to be the center of your own attention, a reminder to take care of yourself. Treating yourself to this exercise immensely improves your mindset for school work, and from a personal experience, it makes me feel ready to take on the day.” -Kenza Lahbabi (A&S ’23)

Ever Evolving Services

Caring for a student’s mental health is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. Every student is unique and will best respond to different approaches including professional, peer-to-peer, and student-led group activities. Similarly, as our community and society change and face new challenges, the types of services offered in the Center will evolve. The University will continually evaluate and update the services offered to our students to help ensure they find positive, adaptable mental health.

“The Campus Recreation and Wellness Center will help us decentralize counseling services and provide increased opportunities to meet students where they are, in addition to increasing accessibility to our services. Moreover, it’ll allow us to expand our outreach services and collaborate with campus partners to provide holistic wellness opportunities to students.”

-Ahmed Ghuman, Executive Director University Counseling Center